Updating an MVC Partial View

Unlike submitting a ENTIRE FORM, Ajax web apps is commonly used to update ONLY A PART OF HTML. This section is continued from the previous section.
This example only update one of multiple rows in a HTML:

(Above image) Copied fields (on the right side) will be registered in Data base and the row in a screen. (Below image)

Summarized as five steps:

  1. Take the form values from the form and call the Javascript (with Ajax) function
  2. Send request to the Controller with the object
  3. The controller receives the request and register the database
  4. The controller response the Ajax with the object
  5. J-Query function update the HTML as response object

By Pressing this button:

<input type="button" id="idSubmitHdr" value="Update RMA" style="height:25px; width:150px; color: #F6FDA4; background-color: #0400FF; font-face: 'Comic Sans MS';"/>
$(function() {
   $('#idSubmitHdr').on('click',function() {

      var idId = $("#idId").val();
      var idRmaNum = $("#idRmaNum").val();
      var id_tpCd = $("div.id_tpCd select").val();
      var id_RsnCd = $("div.id_RsnCd select").val();
      var idSellTo = $("#idSellTo").val();
      var id_HdrSts = $("div.id_HdrSts select").val();

      var rmaHdrModel = {
         "id" : idId,
         "rmaNum" : idRmaNum,
         "rtrnTpCd" : id_tpCd,
         "rtrnRsnCd" : id_RsnCd,
         "sellToCustCd" : idSellTo,
         "rmaHdrStsCd" :id_HdrSts
         type : 'POST', 
         url : 'submitHdrByJsonMain01',
         contentType : 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
         dataType : 'json',
         data: JSON.stringify(rmaHdrModel),
         success : function(data) {
         error : function(e) {
            alert("error:" +response+ ":" +e);

Step 1. The above Javascript function takes six values from the form, and created as one object (Line 2 and 12 to 17).
Step 2. Send request to the Controller with the object
NOTE: use “JSON.stringify” function (line 24)

@RequestMapping(value = "/submitHdrByJsonMain01", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public @ResponseBody RmaHdrModel submitHdrByJson(@RequestBody RmaHdrModel rma, HttpServletRequest req) {		
	RMA_HDR obj = RmaBL.saveHdr(rma, req);
	return RmaBL.getRmaHdrModel(obj.getRmaNum());

Step 3 and 4. The controller receives the request and register the data base and returns a JSON object to Javascript.

function modifyRowData(newData) {
   var id = newData.id;
   var rmaNum = newData.rmaNum;
   var stsCd = newData.rmaHdrStsCd;
   var stsNm = newData.rmaHdrStsNm;
   var tpCd = newData.rtrnTpCd;
   var tpNm = newData.rtrnTpNm;
   var rsnCd = newData.rtrnRsnCd;
   var rsnNm = newData.rtrnRsnNm;
   var custCd = newData.sellToCustCd;

   $('#IdHdrDtl tr').each(function() { 
      var currRmaNum = $(this).find('td').eq(3).text(); // rmaNum
      var currStsCd = $(this).find('td').eq(4).text(); // StsCd
      var currStsNm = $(this).find('td').eq(5).text();
      var currTpCd = $(this).find('td').eq(6).text(); // TpCd
      var currTpNm = $(this).find('td').eq(7).text();
      var currRsnCd = $(this).find('td').eq(8).text(); // RsnCd
      var currRsnNm = $(this).find('td').eq(9).text();
      var currCustCd = $(this).find('td').eq(10).text(); // CustCd

      var idRmaNum = $(this).find('td').eq(3).attr('id');
      var idStsCd = $(this).find('td').eq(4).attr('id');
      var idStsNm = $(this).find('td').eq(5).attr('id');
      var idTpCd = $(this).find('td').eq(6).attr('id');
      var idTpNm = $(this).find('td').eq(7).attr('id');
      var idRsnCd = $(this).find('td').eq(8).attr('id');
      var idRsnNm = $(this).find('td').eq(9).attr('id');
      var idCustCd = $(this).find('td').eq(10).attr('id');

      if(rmaNum == currRmaNum) {
         $("#"+ idStsCd).html(stsCd);
         $("#"+ idStsNm).html(stsNm);
         $("#"+ idTpCd).html(tpCd);
         $("#"+ idTpNm).html(tpNm);
         $("#"+ idRsnCd).html(rsnCd);
         $("#"+ idRsnNm).html(rsnNm);
         $("#"+ idCustCd).html(custCd);
         return false;

Step 5. Another Javascript function “modifyRowData” (Above) called and J-Query function update a part of HTML (specified row in this example).

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