Java Biz App Developer

This website is my personal memo, and study history.

From what I have seen so far, these are very important things to develop and/or maintain Biz Apps:

  • To be familiar with a Data model can be the most important thing. For Biz Apps, data is (almost) everything. You always need to look at them whenever you got a question from end users.
  • For technical side, SQL skill is extremely important, perhaps even more important than J2EE; As a system get bigger, more data (and tables) you will have to deal with.
  • It is also important to be familiar with Business Flow. Without knowing the business flow, you cannot define a business logic.

In this website, the most examples are based on my experiences. I use a very simple example of Return application process (You purchase something, but want the product to be returned).

In general, a Return transaction is defined as RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization). One transaction (RMA) can have more than one items to return. Each RMA has a type and a reason for returning item(s).

For example, let’s say a transaction #1 (say RMA#1) that has Item A (Camera) and B (Lens). If you order a wrong model by mistake, in this case, the return type is “order by mistake“ and reason is “wrong item“. Therefore, the transaction attributes of RMA#1 are: Item A, with type “order by mistake“ and reason of “wrong item“.

I hope you enjoy reading it. (Go To Index)

2 thoughts on “Java Biz App Developer

  1. Sir
    I am Trying to develop a project in where i need to submit multiple row in one click. like your logic please help me by providing your code. I would be pleased for ever to you.

    Cordially Welcome

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