Table of Contents

Spring MVC
Spring MVC Config
Submitting a Form
Multiple Row Form Submit
Radio Button and Check Box
Screen Transition (With More than one Controllers)
Select Box Stays Selected

DI (Dependency Injection) and AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming)
Overview (Dependency Injection)
Dependency Injection: Setter Injection
Dependency Injection: Field Injection
AOP/Aspect-J Overview and Config
Before Advise
After Advise
Around Advise

JPA Hibernate with Spring MVC
Spring + Hibernate Config
Generic DAO
Generic DAO with Custom Method
Generic DAO without Custom Method
HQL and Native SQL in Hibernate
One to Many – Composite Primary Key
Many to Many
Applying Many to Many

Ajax/jQuery with Spring MVC
HTML Table Creation
Radio Button Events
Updating an MVC Partial View
Dynamically Creating a Select Box
To Leverage On-Change Dropdown
Auto Complete

Mongo DB, Web Service, Design Pattern, Data Structure, and Bonus
Mongo DB + Spring MVC
Mongo Repository
Web Service
Optimizing SQL
Static Factory Pattern
Hash Set vs Array List
How To Work on GitHub

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